Father's Day Fun

Charlie with Uncle Mikey and Uncle Marcus

Charlie and  GT posing next to Uncle Andrew's artwork (from Grade 7)

Charlie, Dad and GT

Ah ha! Uncle Mikey showing Charlie how to jump in a puddle.  Now we know where he learned that!

Charlie and Dad in the backyard on Father's Day

Charlie and GT at Father's Day lunch

Charlie and Dad after Charlie ate some dirt.

Another of Charlie and Dad after Charlie's dirt feast.

Charlie fishing for tadpoles in our pond ...

Charlie looking for the 100 goldfish Dad released into the pond.  If you are lucky, you can see one goldfish when looking at the pond.  They scattered and are all in hiding ... might have to get another 100!

Mom and Charlie posing for a picture as we head out on an early Father's Day run in the rain to Starbucks.

Charlie, warm and dry and happy ... on the way there.  Cried the entire way back because I wouldn't let him jump in the puddles.  Only found out at breakfast later in the day that Uncle Mikey taught him to jump in puddles!

After Fathers Day dinner, Charlie goes to the garden to get some mint.  This mint is from Charlie's Great Aunt Ella's mint plant that Dad planted last summer after Aunt Ella's passing.  Charlie seems to have taken to the mint and went straight there after dinner to chew on some.

Picking the mint ...

Showing you proof that he is eating the mint!

What an absolutely amazing Father's Day!
