T-Ball Fun Day

T-Ball fun day was the official end to the 2016 Mississauga Rangers!

There was a home run derby, long ball toss, obstacle course, bouncy castle and emergency vehicle station (firetruck, policy truck, ambulance) for the kids to play in.

The competitions were head to head team competitions and the Rangers did well bringing home 4 red ribbons and one blue ribbon (Charlie said he didn't want the 2nd place ribbon).

The team awards were handed out at the end of the day during a pizza lunch and Charlie took home one of the two awards - most sportsman like player.  Apparently this trophy recently replace the MVP trophy much to the dismay of some of the old school coaches and parents.  Charlie didn't care, he just thought it was cool to get a second trophy!   Maybe I should turn back the clocks and go "Grand Dad Al styles" and make him his own MVP trophy :)

In case you didnt notice, Evie also participated in fun day (mostly at the park and water park) and was completely gassed after all the activities.  She fell into a deep sleep on the 6 minute ride home!
