Day 4 - Grand Tappattoo

Our last full day at Tappattoo was a big one.  The weather forecast looked sketchy at best, so some of the crew decided to drive into Bala and visit the Balacade.  The Balacade is an icon in Bala and was recently purchased by our cousin David Anthony.  We didn't David this visit, but we had a really good time at the arcade.

In the evening was round 2 of snipe hunting.  The kids were determined that the snipes were NOT going to get by them this time. Each kid practiced their snipe call and practices making scary faces to intimidate the elusive snipes.  After a couple of close calls, the adults saw the snipes scurry away through the forest and away from Tappattoo.  There was much disappointment, but we quickly turned the attention to chocolate, marshmallow and graham crackers.
