Kids Triathlon

Charlie was registered for KIT (kids in triathlon) Series triathlon at Huron Park yesterday.  When we arrived at the registration event to pick up his race kit, Evelyn asked if she was doing the triathlon too.  We inquired to see if there was any space left in the 3-5yr old event and there was one spot open as a child had just dropped out.  So Evelyn got to compete (with Dad) and Charlie, Rhea and James took park in the 6-7yr old event.

Charlie was in the first wave (random draw) of 12 kids and was the first out of the pool and to the transition area.  He was first on the bike but the second place kid was gaining ground.  By the time they got off the bikes, and started to run, they were neck and neck.  They actually exchanged a couple of elbows during their "all out sprint" during the first 100m of the 500m run.  They both tired pretty quickly and it turned into a jog.  Charlie outlasted the other boy and finished top in his heat, with a time of 11:49, putting him 19 of 118 kids.

Pre-race at home

Setting up the transition area; Evie in minimalist triathlon gear!

Evie's first medal!

Charlie on the bike

Charlie finishing his heat :

Our triathletes!

Rhea on the bike, with Wes in tow

James and Tomi

James finishing:

James and Charlie "Blue Tongue" Kretz:

The competitors!
